lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


Today I'm going to tell you about a subject that I really loved: 

Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health 

I interested because It gives us the humanistic training we need and relevant when dealing with patients, such as looking at the patient as a whole person, who has feelings, emotions, beliefs, the right to choose about their treatment and not only see directly into the mouth of the patient.
this subject teaches us social equity, to have compassion for the patient that has pain, to be solidare, kind, understanding and to put ourselves in their place, and to respectfully listen to their opinion.
I think it is very necessary to learn to deal with the patient, since it is pleasant and satisfying for him, where the attention will go to the patient and not to his illness, but that is still not seen completely in hospitals, CESFAM, etc. due to the speed with which they attend, the doctors, nutritionists, dentists, among others. since there is a lot of demand in the public services and the consultation is express and reductionist, that is, only sees a part of the patient, and is where his illness is located.

Do you think that the attention in the public sectors should be more humanitarian?

3 comentarios:

  1. Really? Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health was one of my favorites too! It's true that the personal treatment is something that is very important, especially if you study something related to health.

  2. Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health, wow you really are debouted to people helth care, even if it´s a health area carrear, you don´t see much people doing it.

  3. I really liked your blog, I think that is very inspiring. Also I think that its very important always to get this perspective like a health worker.



Today I'm going to tell you about a subject that I really loved:  Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health  I interested because...