martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

One Photo, One History.

La imagen puede contener: 13 personas
This photo was taken in 2013, in one of the headquarters of the Inacap institute in Santiago, Chile.
My team of robotic was called "Dragones", and in that photo we went to a regional tournament of the First Lego League with the teacher Marcelo Pacheco and my partners, all of them were from the  school Brothers Sotomayor Baeza, Melipilla but we were from different grades, In this tournament, we programmed a small robot made of legos and present a project that avoids natural disaster.
It was an experience  really amazing, full of fun, that day we did many activities, we danced, we made a dress with newspapers, all this to earn points and be able to classify the national.
We were very lucky because we got second place and we got the FLL values ​​prize, we were very happy and emotional because we did not think we were going to make it, but in the nationals we not classify. 
Were you in a team or extracurricular activities at the school?

4 comentarios:

  1. what an interesting extracurricular activity,I would have liked to assemble lego robots at school like you.

  2. I remember participating when I was younger at a science and technology fair with my teacher Ivan Duarte, it was a very entertaining experience!

  3. In my school my classmates and I once did a scientific fair.

  4. When i was a child i usually spend time in extracurricular activities. I loved to play viola in school.



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