viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

Who am I?

My name is Rachel Estefania Sanchez Hernandez. I am a student of Odontology at University of Chile. I was born on May 20th, 1998 in Melipilla and I am 20 years old. I live with my Grandma since that I was a baby, even though my parents have always been present in my life. I have three sisters, Ana, She is 18 years old; Victoria, She is 13 years old and Alondra, She is 7 years old. Also, I have one brother, Alexis. He is 1 year old. He is extremely adorable, I love him. They are younger than me. We have good times as brothers.
My hobbies are playing  video games on the phone and  watch series, my favorite music is K-pop or Japanese music.

4 comentarios:

  1. What kind of series do you see?
    Can you recommend one?

  2. Always the children are adorable! You have a beautiful family, they are a fundamental pillar in our lives.

  3. What does it feel like to be the oldest? I also like the series. Which is your favorite?

  4. How long have you been listening to Kpop music? Can you recommend a band?



Today I'm going to tell you about a subject that I really loved:  Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health  I interested because...