lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


Today I'm going to tell you about a subject that I really loved: 

Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health 

I interested because It gives us the humanistic training we need and relevant when dealing with patients, such as looking at the patient as a whole person, who has feelings, emotions, beliefs, the right to choose about their treatment and not only see directly into the mouth of the patient.
this subject teaches us social equity, to have compassion for the patient that has pain, to be solidare, kind, understanding and to put ourselves in their place, and to respectfully listen to their opinion.
I think it is very necessary to learn to deal with the patient, since it is pleasant and satisfying for him, where the attention will go to the patient and not to his illness, but that is still not seen completely in hospitals, CESFAM, etc. due to the speed with which they attend, the doctors, nutritionists, dentists, among others. since there is a lot of demand in the public services and the consultation is express and reductionist, that is, only sees a part of the patient, and is where his illness is located.

Do you think that the attention in the public sectors should be more humanitarian?

domingo, 26 de julio de 2020


Today I am writing about an Application for Smartphone that for people who study dentistry, this App is  necessary for learning.

The Application is:
Bone Box - Dental Lite is an App of Google Play.
It is a member of a series of apps developed by a team of anatomists, certified medical illustrators, animators, and programmers using actual human CT imaging data, and the most accurate 3D modeling technology available.
The app is interactive in learning about dental anatomy, shows you the whole mouth, you can open it to look at all the teeth at the same time or you can select the dental piece you want to study, it is also in 3D which facilitates the complete vision of the dental piece in any position, observe the main and secondary grooves.
Within the application, there is an interactive interrogation option, where the user can test their knowledge of human dental anatomy, the test is multiple choice.
This application helped me to perform a task of an UTE, the anatomy of these is very accurate and helped me a lot to draw the teeth of the upper arch. 
This App is in English, but it is understandable, and it is not difficult to read.

Do you know this app?

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

BLOG N°2: The Best Holidays

Loncura, Quintero

My best holidays were in February of this year, 2020. My family and me went to Loncura, Quintero. We stayed a week in the house of some relatives, the trip lasted 3 hours approximately, we left my house in Melipilla at 5 PM. and we arrived at our destination around 8 PM, we immediately out the things in the car, we left them inside the house and we went out to walk the beach that was the most attractive (we are fascinated by the beach) as it was too late to get wet we decided to walk on the sand  towards Quintero, We took about 30 minutes to arrive, and there was a fair with games and food, There were so many lights, the trees had lights! was amazing. 
I did not know Loncura, but when I got there and travel around it, I was fascinated, it was all so great, so natural, to reach its beach you have to go down a very large staircase, but worth it is very beautiful the beach has a calm water and a turquoise color, there were boats of all sizes, and near the beach there was an airfield so every evening there were planes or helicopters to prowl the beach and fly low, it was quite a spectacle, we went out to the beaches around too, there was one that had a strong swell compared to the beach of Loncura. 
 Every day we went out in the afternoon to get wet on the beach, although I do not know how to swim, I was able to a little deeper into the sea, the feeling is anxiety, but it passes, then it becomes addictive, the waves made me float, it was so cool, even though he was always next to someone for my safety.
That was how the days were spent enjoying them to the fullest, until we had to return to Melipilla, I hope to return for the next holidays and enjoy them even more.

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

BLOG 1, 2020

 South Korea.

Hello, my name is Rachel Sánchez, I am 21 years old and I study dentistry at the university of Chile, Today,  I'm going to write to you about the Country that I would love to visit SOUTH KOREA.
Is a country wonderful, It’s a country that takes him for k-drama, and especially for his k-pop bands, I gradually emerged in that world from which he could no longer leave, I began to be curious about his culture, his customs, his language, which I find fascinating and unique, their facial espressions or bodily expressions when they speak is really great, as they convey joy,and also because they have marked the line of respect in their language towards their parents, superiors. Its landscapes, its islands, especially for one, the island Jeju, that place is beautiful from what I have seen in pictures, its beaches, the color of its waters and the white sand. In addition, that certainly the capital of South Korea, Seoul, is as impressive, by day as by night; one day he wants to tour every corner of that country, his 5 palaces of the Joseon era, Gyeongbokgung, Changgyeonggung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung and Gyeonghuigung,  each with its predominant architecture, but with its individualities, its bridges so prominent in the k-dramas. And no doubt the South Korean food caught me first, the so-called Kimchi, and the oatmeal, abalone porridge, jjajangmyeon, Tteokbokki, Bulgogi that look so tasty, someday I will taste the seaweed soup that is sacred to eat for the people in his day.
 I hope that someday I can get to know that country and be able to speak a little in its language, Korean.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

My Experience Writing Blogs

For me it has been a new experience, I had never written blogs before in my life and it has been nice, to write about certain topics, the words come out easily, with the exception of other topics that it has been difficult for me to write and think about what to say about that.
Use the page to write has been a bit difficult at the beginning, but then it becomes custom that is really easy, how to change the design, see who has commented all your blogs, edit them, put images, GIFs, etc.
I have known a little more about the interests of my colleagues and I think that is a good opportunity to approach them.
If there is an opportunity to write blogs, I would take it and take advantage of it. I had a lot of fun writing! Thank you.
For you how was this experience?

My Favorite Food.

I like pizza in general, due to the variety of ingredients that can be put and because you can eat at any time of day, you can eat the pizza alone or accompanied and likewise enjoy it.
Most people like pizza, it is very rare to see people who do not like it. You could say that pizza is universal.

But inside all the pizzas there is one that I love.

The pizza Pulled Pork, The ingredients of this pizza are pizza mass, cheese, tomato sauce, Pulled Pork, bacon, onion and BBQ sauce. I like it because of the combination of the ingredients that gives it, its unique flavor, delicious and unequaled.
The pizza has a low nutritional value and is considered junk food, so eating it frequently can damage your health causing weight gain or cardiovascular or digestive diseases.

that's why you should eat in moderation, even if it's irresistible.
Do you like pizza? What is your favorite pizza?

martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

My Favorite Writer

Resultado de imagen para lauren kate
 Lauren Kate is my favorite writer, She was born in Dallas, Texas, one day 21 of March, 1981.
She is an American writer of juvenile literature of fantasy.
the most important work is the Fallen saga or in Spanish "Oscuros", this saga have five books, the first is Fallen, this book has a cinematographic adaptation with the same name, the second book is Torment, the third is Passion, the fourth is Rapture and the fifth book is Unforgive. And exists an annex called Fallen in love.
The Fallen Saga used many months of theological research for Lauren Kate. She had got the idea for the saga of a line in Genesis that she found while studying the Bible at graduate school in California.
The novel revolves around a young woman named Lucinda "Luce" Price who is sent to a reformatory school located in Savannah, Georgia, after she is accused of murdering her boyfriend in a fire. There, she meets Daniel Grigori, a handsome boy who inexplicably attracts him, and thinks he knows him from somewhere. Luce and Daniel will live their love story against the clock, Daniel, the most important angel in the whole sky, condemned to fall in love with the same girl every 17 years, and watch her die. Luce is a mortal girl, who tends to reincarnate again and again, and who also has no idea who she really is.

Which is your favorite writer?

One Photo, One History.

La imagen puede contener: 13 personas
This photo was taken in 2013, in one of the headquarters of the Inacap institute in Santiago, Chile.
My team of robotic was called "Dragones", and in that photo we went to a regional tournament of the First Lego League with the teacher Marcelo Pacheco and my partners, all of them were from the  school Brothers Sotomayor Baeza, Melipilla but we were from different grades, In this tournament, we programmed a small robot made of legos and present a project that avoids natural disaster.
It was an experience  really amazing, full of fun, that day we did many activities, we danced, we made a dress with newspapers, all this to earn points and be able to classify the national.
We were very lucky because we got second place and we got the FLL values ​​prize, we were very happy and emotional because we did not think we were going to make it, but in the nationals we not classify. 
Were you in a team or extracurricular activities at the school?

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

My Favorite TV Series

 I have many favorite series, but Today I will talk about a particular series that has caught my attention, this series is called Goblin (The Lonely and Great God), You can watch in website doramasmp4.
the Goblin is a k-Drama or korean drama, the principal characters are Kim Shin and  Grim Reaper.
 Kim Shin is an invinsible warrior and an assigned General of the ancient kingdom of Goryeo. Who is betrayed by the young prince influenced by his royal adviser, they try to kill him, but before, Kim Shin is killed by his own sword and his own master, even though, He does not die and he gets eternal life, which is a curse, He has to see and live every death of those close to him. To end his immortality, He needs a human priestess, as He no longer wishes to see in the end of the people on earth, he decides to look for one. Then he meets Eun Tak, a woman who has the powers of a priest and who is excited to know that she will be the girlfriend of the goblin.
On the other hand, Grim Reaper, dies without realizing it and wakes up as the messenger of death, but He loses his memory. The two characters casually end up living together, They must start working together to help pass the dead to the other world and develop a close friendship despite their fights.
I like this series because of it is history and how characters evolve and for everything.
Which series would you recommend?

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

My Favorite Technological Decive

Resultado de imagen para persona jugando con cel

My favorite technological device is my Smartphone because I can take It everywhere with me and It is light, It is always at hand, the Smartphone is complete and perfect because You can do many tasks. I can also watch my favorite series and movies at any time, listen to music or watch music videos. With an Internet connection, I can also play online quietly and anywhere,I chat with my friends of the school and my friends from other countries, the last I have met them in online games for mobile, I can pay my bills, make banking transactions, I can look Facebook and Instagram where I see Memes among other things, I can do homework, read the text for university and take photos, I can call anyone and see of the novelties of the subjects of my university.
What is Your favorite technological device? and Why?

Why did You Choose This Study Programme?

Resultado de imagen para dentista

Why My Decision.
I decided it when I was 11 years old. I was in the hospital for a dental consultation when I started thinking about how It would feel to work as a dentist, I always saw children leaving scared of the dentist, I thought that I could help children to calm their fear in front of the dentist, this is one of the reasons why I want  to be a dentist. I could help in the public system and provide patients with quality care. Also, my dentist helped me make that decision, because I felt great admiration for him.
I am sure of making the right decision because I still think that I have to help all people, regardless of their age or economic situation, to recover their smile and let them know why It is important to keep their mouths healthy. Also, I am good at making crafts and I like that, I also like medicine, so, what better than studying dentistry.
What about you? Do You like what you study?


Today I'm going to tell you about a subject that I really loved:  Psychosocial and anthropological bases of health  I interested because...